Singularity of Being

A poem by Kelsey Bryan-Zwick

Image Description: A close-up of the spine of a dinosaur fossil.

Kelsey Bryan-Zwick is a Spanish/English speaking SoCal poet and artist with a B.A. from UC Santa Cruz in Literature/Creative Writing.  She is the author of three chapbooks, the most recent being Watermarked (Sadie Girl Press) a hand bound edition that intermixes both her poetry and art.  Disabled with scoliosis from a young age, her poems often focus on trauma, giving heart to the antiseptic language of hospital intake forms.  A Pushcart Prize nominee and founder of the micro-press BindYourOwnBooks, Kelsey’s poetry appears, or is forthcoming in Rise Up Review, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, Incandescent Mind, petrichor, Right Hand Pointing, Lummox, The New Verse News, One Sentence Poems, Redshift, and more.  Find her at and on Instagram @theexquisitepoet.

*Because of formatting, we used screenshots to display this poem. For an accessible version of “Singularity of Being,” please email Sarah Kosch at

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